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Tips on PET cosmetic bottle

Tips on PET cosmetic bottle

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2021-11-01
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(Summary description)1. The cosmetic bottle has good mechanical properties, the impact strength is 3~5 times that of other films, and the folding resistance is good.

2. Resistance to oil, fat, acrylic acid, dilute alkali, and most solvents.

3. It can be used for a long time in the temperature range of 55-60℃, and can withstand high temperature of 65℃ and low temperature of -70℃ for short-term use, and has little effect on its mechanical properties at high and low temperatures.

4. The gas and water vapor permeability is low, and it has excellent gas, water, oil and peculiar smell performance.

5. The cosmetic bottle has high transparency, can block ultraviolet rays, and has good gloss.

6. Non-toxic, tasteless, good hygiene and safety, and can be directly used for food packaging.

The PET used in cosmetic bottles is a milky white or light yellow, highly crystalline polymer with a smooth and shiny surface. It has excellent physical and mechanical properties in a wide temperature range. The long-term use temperature can reach 120℃. The electrical insulation is excellent. Even at high temperature and high frequency, its electrical performance is still good, but the corona resistance is poor. Creep resistance, fatigue resistance, friction resistance, and dimensional stability are all very good. The PET used in cosmetic bottles has ester bonds, which will decompose under the action of strong acid, strong alkali and water vapor, and has good resistance to organic solvents and weather.

Tips on PET cosmetic bottle

(Summary description)1. The cosmetic bottle has good mechanical properties, the impact strength is 3~5 times that of other films, and the folding resistance is good.

2. Resistance to oil, fat, acrylic acid, dilute alkali, and most solvents.

3. It can be used for a long time in the temperature range of 55-60℃, and can withstand high temperature of 65℃ and low temperature of -70℃ for short-term use, and has little effect on its mechanical properties at high and low temperatures.

4. The gas and water vapor permeability is low, and it has excellent gas, water, oil and peculiar smell performance.

5. The cosmetic bottle has high transparency, can block ultraviolet rays, and has good gloss.

6. Non-toxic, tasteless, good hygiene and safety, and can be directly used for food packaging.

The PET used in cosmetic bottles is a milky white or light yellow, highly crystalline polymer with a smooth and shiny surface. It has excellent physical and mechanical properties in a wide temperature range. The long-term use temperature can reach 120℃. The electrical insulation is excellent. Even at high temperature and high frequency, its electrical performance is still good, but the corona resistance is poor. Creep resistance, fatigue resistance, friction resistance, and dimensional stability are all very good. The PET used in cosmetic bottles has ester bonds, which will decompose under the action of strong acid, strong alkali and water vapor, and has good resistance to organic solvents and weather.

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-11-01
  • Views:0
1. The cosmetic bottle has good mechanical properties, the impact strength is 3~5 times that of other films, and the folding resistance is good.
2. Resistance to oil, fat, acrylic acid, dilute alkali, and most solvents.
3. It can be used for a long time in the temperature range of 55-60℃, and can withstand high temperature of 65℃ and low temperature of -70℃ for short-term use, and has little effect on its mechanical properties at high and low temperatures.
4. The gas and water vapor permeability is low, and it has excellent gas, water, oil and peculiar smell performance.
5. The cosmetic bottle has high transparency, can block ultraviolet rays, and has good gloss.
6. Non-toxic, tasteless, good hygiene and safety, and can be directly used for food packaging.
The PET used in cosmetic bottles is a milky white or light yellow, highly crystalline polymer with a smooth and shiny surface. It has excellent physical and mechanical properties in a wide temperature range. The long-term use temperature can reach 120℃. The electrical insulation is excellent. Even at high temperature and high frequency, its electrical performance is still good, but the corona resistance is poor. Creep resistance, fatigue resistance, friction resistance, and dimensional stability are all very good. The PET used in cosmetic bottles has ester bonds, which will decompose under the action of strong acid, strong alkali and water vapor, and has good resistance to organic solvents and weather.

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What should be paid attention to in the design of cosmetic labeling packaging materials

For cosmetics, in addition to the filing application for material safety, the filing application is also required for its outer packaging. Packaging is also a top priority for cosmetics. Like a house, building is only part of it, and the rest is decoration. What should be paid attention to in the design of cosmetic labeling packaging materials? Improve efficiency and strive for time to make products available quickly. There are two situations to solve this problem: The first is to entrust the cosmetics processing factory to design and purchase packaging materials. This situation is easy to solve, because the cosmetics processing factory has a special person who will be responsible for this. For customers, after completing the packaging material design, send it to you, and then you can see what changes are needed, put forward opinions, and then modify and confirm the samples. The second is that the customer makes the packaging material design by himself. However, after making the design, they must first send the design drawing to the cosmetics processing plant, and let them contact the person for filing to check whether there is any problem with the design drawing, mainly the patterns and words on the drawing. Because some things can't be written, otherwise the filing won't pass. There is no loss in making changes at this level. When the modification is correct, the second part shall be carried out. The packaging materials are proofed, and then the cosmetics OEM is mailed. The product filing cycle is (10-20) days. During this filing period, the packaging materials manufacturer can be arranged to produce large goods, which can save time for production, because only the packaging materials arrive at the cosmetics manufacturer can plan production

What is the price trend of paper products in 2021?

发布时间: : 2021-11--01
For cosmetics, in addition to the filing application for material safety, the filing application is also required for its outer packaging. Packaging is also a top priority for cosmetics. Like a house, building is only part of it, and the rest is decoration. What should be paid attention to in the design of cosmetic labeling packaging materials? Improve efficiency and strive for time to make products available quickly. There are two situations to solve this problem: The first is to entrust the cosmetics processing factory to design and purchase packaging materials. This situation is easy to solve, because the cosmetics processing factory has a special person who will be responsible for this. For customers, after completing the packaging material design, send it to you, and then you can see what changes are needed, put forward opinions, and then modify and confirm the samples. The second is that the customer makes the packaging material design by himself. However, after making the design, they must first send the design drawing to the cosmetics processing plant, and let them contact the person for filing to check whether there is any problem with the design drawing, mainly the patterns and words on the drawing. Because some things can't be written, otherwise the filing won't pass. There is no loss in making changes at this level. When the modification is correct, the second part shall be carried out. The packaging materials are proofed, and then the cosmetics OEM is mailed. The product filing cycle is (10-20) days. During this filing period, the packaging materials manufacturer can be arranged to produce large goods, which can save time for production, because only the packaging materials arrive at the cosmetics manufacturer can plan production
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How do cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers choose?

发布时间: : 2021-11--01
Cosmetic glass bottles refer to glass bottles used for packaging cosmetic products such as lotion and cream. Cosmetic glass bottles on the market have three characteristics: First, cosmetics pay attention to appearance and design. Cosmetic glass bottles have high requirements for product image. Second, cosmetic glass bottles focus on brand building, because cosmetic manufacturers need to shape the brand image with the help of the appearance of cosmetic glass bottles. Third, the cost control of cosmetic glass bottles is also very important, which is related to the later production cost of cosmetic manufacturers. In view of the above three characteristics, it is very difficult to test the brand when selecting cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers. If we can not comprehensively consider and master the method of selecting cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers, it will be difficult to find satisfactory manufacturers. When a brand enters the market, not only the quality of the product itself is important, but also the outsourcing materials are the top priority. The quality, efficiency and process details of glass bottles will hinder the brand from quickly occupying the market. So, how do cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers choose? First of all, cosmetics glass bottle style selection, then, in the selection, we must pay attention to the appearance and style. Look at the design and development ability of cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers. Secondly, the quotation of cosmetic glass bottle manufacturers should try to achieve three currencies. Finally, look at the cosmetics glass bottle factory and scale, which directly determines the later products. In fact, to sum up, it is nothing more than to establish the production line of the factory, which is a factor determining efficiency; Second, R & D and design capability, which is an innovative technology that can help distinguish products from other markets and occupy the market; The third is the price. This is the cost performance. Things are not only better, but also the lowest price among products of the same quality. In this way, there will be obvious profit space and product advantages after entering the market.
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